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FOR SALE: Traditional Japanese style hotel

Quick information

Hotel location Myoko village area, near station
Land area 1605 square meters
Rooms 18 (2 western style)
Cost 60 million yen

Description & history

18 rooms. 2 are western style with double beds the other 16 are traditional Japanese tatami rooms. All rooms are very clean and require minimal work. The japanese rooms vary in style from regular style rooms to larger rooms and higher end rooms. Most rooms have their own toilet and some rooms also have their own shower/bath.

There is a large tatami (enkai) party room that served as a dining area for large parties and also for serving dinner to guests at the hotel each evening.

There is a bar/karaoke area with its own entrance/exit to the hotel. A conference room that was also used for serving breakfast and dinner. A beautiful traditional style small restaurant area on the first floor. Large kitchen with elevator on the first floor and smaller kitchens on each floor.

The hotel also has an elevator for guest use. House area in the basement with four rooms where the family could live. Also two other smaller rooms in the basement that could be used for staff. Two large onsen on the first floor. These could be filled with either onsen water or regular water heated by the boiler.

The hotel was built and run by my family who are still in the local area. They can tell you about every detail you wish to know and also about the general running of the hotel.


It hasn’t operated for a few years and needs some repair work on the outside walls. The boiler would probably also need some repair work I think.

As a newer built hotel its a solid steel structure that is well laid out and won’t require much work with inside renovations.

The inside of the hotel is very clean and needs minimal work. The kitchen is fitted with new ovens, dishwasher and other appliances, all ready for use.

Additional costs

The following will be additional costs on top of the purchase price, but may be negotiable.

  1. Leased Land

    The hotel is on leased land which is fairly common in Japan. If this concept is a stumbling block for you please feel free to get in touch to talk about it as it isn't a major issue. The land requires a deposit of 2.4million yen (maybe negotiable). This is returned should you ever sell the property. There is then a monthly fee of 41,000 yen.
  2. Onsen Rights

    The hotel comes with 5 onsen pipes. You can operate the onsen with 3 pipes and heat the water with the boiler. You can also choose to not use the onsen pipes at all and just use regular heated water in the baths.
  3. Onsen Cost

    For 5 pipes there is a negotiable one time payment of 8.2 million yen. There is then a monthly fee of 93,000 yen. For 3 pipes the cost would be 4.95 million as a one off payment and 56,000 per month. These costs may be negotiable.
  4. No Onsen

    You can also negate all these costs by opting to not use the onsen pipes. The baths can be filled with regular water and heated by the boiler.

Future possibilities

The hotel was operated year round in past and catered to both domestic and foreign guests. As the owner of the property you could either opt for a winter only operation or a year round open operation and also cater to Japanese customers. If you need a manager for the property then the myself and the original owners are more than willing to help.

Hotel Images

Outside and entrance areas

Outside view of the hotel
Outside of the hotel when it operated a few years ago.
Entrance to the hotel
Entrance to the hotel with double automatic doors.
Dining area
Luxurious dining and greeting area for guests.

The rooms

Standard Japanese style room
Standard Japanese style room.
One of the luxury Japanese style rooms.
One of the luxury Japanese style rooms.
Western style room. There are two of these rooms.
Western style room. There are two of these rooms.

Other areas

Large conference room that can also be used for dining.
Large conference room that can also be used for dining.
Large enkai room that is used for parties and dining.
Large enkai room that is used for parties and dining.
Bar and karaoke area
Bar and karaoke area

Onsen baths

Large onsen bath filled with natural hotspring water.
Large onsen bath filled with natural hotspring water.
Large onsen bath filled with natural hotspring water.
There are 2 baths for male and females. Both the same size with changing rooms.

This property belongs to my family and has a special place in our hearts. If you are interested in this property please contact me on the email link below. Serious enquiries only please.

We are here to help you, get in touch.

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