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FOR SALE: Seki Onsen ski in/out hotel

Quick information

Cost 28 million yen
Hotel location Seki Onsen, base of ski resort
Land area 1208 square meters
Infrastructure City water, propane gas, electric, septic tank
Rooms 20
Yearly property tax 247,464 yen
Onsen cost 30,000 yen per month


The large Japanese style hotel is made up of three buildings contructed at different times from 1972 onwards. The hotel is currently operating and is literally at the base of the lift of Seki Onsen ski resort. A 1 minute walk to the lift from the hotel. The hotel has 20 rooms. All rooms are Japanese style tatami mats. They are of varying sizes from smaller to very large group size rooms.

There is also a large dining area that can seat up to 100 guests. There is a fully functioning kitchen and toliets on all floors. the rooms do not have showers as all guests would usually use the in house onsen.

There are two very clean and large onsen baths. The onsen rights in Seki Onsen are very cheap in comparision to other areas of Myoko.

Additional costs

The following will be additional costs on top of the purchase price, but may be negotiable.

  1. Running costs in winter

    Gas: 3,000
    Water: 15,000
    Electric: 140,000
    Kerosene : 300,000
  2. Onsen Rights

    A one time fee of 360,000 yen and then a monthly fee of 30,000 yen makes the costs very reasonable in comparision to other areas of Myoko.

Future possibilities

The hotel has and is operated year round and catered to both domestic and foreign guests. As the owner of the property you could either opt for a winter only operation or a year round open operation and also cater to Japanese customers.

Hotel Images

Floor Plan

Floor plan of Yohinoya hotel

Outside and entrance areas

Outside view of the hotel
Outside of the hotel.
Entrance to the hotel
Outside of the hotel.
Entrance to the hotel
Hotel entrance.

The rooms

Standard Japanese style room
Standard Japanese style room.
One of the luxury Japanese style rooms.
20 rooms in this style.
Western style room. There are two of these rooms.
Large group room.

Other areas

Large conference room that can also be used for dining.
Large dining area.
Large enkai room that is used for parties and dining.
Large functional kitchen.
Bar and karaoke area
Kitchen area.

Onsen baths

Large onsen bath filled with natural hotspring water.
Male bath with showers.
Large onsen bath filled with natural hotspring water.
Seki Onsens iron rich bath.
Large onsen bath filled with natural hotspring water.
Female bath with showers.

If you are interested in this property please contact me on the email link below. Serious enquiries only please.

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